Seek Happiness By Changing You!

As a Mama, I am constantly reminded that I am a teacher as well as a giver of Life. Little eyes are always watching, to see how I will react, little ears are always listening, learning how I communicate how I'm feeling. We have a choice, everyday, as to how we are going to approach challenges that come our way. We can choose to be miserable, full of self pity or we can choose to face things with a positive outlook- that each challenge presents an opportunity; to learn, to share, to be grateful for the things we do have and most of all, to have faith. I like to start each day, as soon as I open my eyes, to be grateful for just one thing. To remind myself of what I am happy about and to tell myself something about myself that I love more today than yesterday. These are little reminders that whatever the day might bring, that The Joy of The Lord is my strength and whatever might come my way, the Creator has a purpose and a plan for me and all I have to do is trust- that He has equipped me for what He has called me to do and that while I will make mistakes, I'm learning "on the job" and can do it with the sparkly smile He gave me and joy in my heart. 

Try this today: if you are faced with a challenge, look at it with a smile and consider it a teaching opportunity; maybe to communicate better, to take a break or to apply your energy elsewhere. Have Faith.

Ange x